Why the Liberal Arts?

The Purpose of College
Many students today attend college to improve their chances of getting a good job and living a comfortable life after graduation. This is completely reasonable and practical. College, in the best case, does help prepare students for their professional lives and broadens their opportunities for interesting, fulfilling careers.
There are other liberal arts subjects of great importance—including philosophy, religion, fine arts, world history, and Western civilization—and What Will They Learn?® encourages students to study these topics and to attend institutions that take them seriously. However, the seven subjects that make up the core of our rating system also make up the core of the liberal arts, a course of study that goes back millennia and which has always had the goal of supporting students in their journey to becoming independent, happy, and productive citizens.
We encourage you to explore the following reports published by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni to learn more about the enduring value and contemporary importance of the liberal arts.